jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

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Summary pages 39 to 46


Page 39: Divisions of the nervous system

Central Nervous system
Peripheral nervous system

Resultado de imagen de nervous system

Page 40:

Role of the central nervous system:

The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord and acts like the traffic cop. It controls the functions of the body.

The peripheral nervous system includes all the nerves outside of the central nervous system , which are like the car drivers

How does the central nervous system works?

The brain is the control center and the spinal cord is a thick column of nervous tissue that links the brain to the peripheral nervous system. Then the impulses from the peripheral nerves through the spinal cord to get to the brain. The brain then emits a response which travels through the spinal cord and back to the peripheral nerves.

Page 41: The Brain

The brain is the most important organ in the body because it is the organ that controls the whole body. It is divided in  three main regions: The brain stem , the cerebrum and the cerebellum.

Brain stem: Controls your body involuntary actions.

Cerebrum: Interprets input from your senses , controls movement and carries out complex mental processeses such as learning and remembering.

Cerebellum: Coordinates your muscle actions and helps you keep your balance.

Resultado de imagen de the brain
Page 42: Cerebrum and Spinal cord

The cerebrum is the largest region of the brain , it controls functions such as movement , sight , hearing , speech and abstract thought and it is divided in two halfs:

Left half: It is associated with mathematical and logical thinking

Right half: It is associated with creativity and artistic skills

Spinal cord: The spinal cord is a way for the brain to communicate with the body , the spinal cord is the where all the signals travel. It is protected by the vertebral column.

Resultado de imagen de cerebellum and spinal cord

Page 43: Role of the peripheral nervous system

The peripheral nervous system is a network of nerves that branches out from the central nervous system and connects it to the rest of the body. It is involved in both the involuntary and voluntary actions

Somatic and autonomic systems: It has two groups of nerves:

Somatic: Controls voluntary actions
autonomic: controls involuntary actions

Page 44: Reflexes:

Reflexes are automatic responses that occur rapidly without conscious control. The brain controls them.

Resultado de imagen de reflexes

Page 45: Exercise activity( Cant summarize)

Page 46: Nervous system injuries:

Concussions: Occurs when a soft tissue of the brain is bruised as it collides against the skull. Suffering a concussion will probably make you feel drowsy , confused or you may even lose consciousness. You can protect yourself from this kind of injury by wearing a helmet while playing sports such as football

Spinal cord injuries: These type of injuries happen when the spinal cord is cut or crushed. The injuries often result in paralysis. You can protect yourself by using seat belt while driving.

Resultado de imagen de concussion

Resultado de imagen de spinal cord injury

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016


My name is Alejandro Chacon Montenegro 

I am a student from Costa Rica , more specifically  a student of San Diego Bilingual High School. 

I am working on a science assignment.

I am in 9th grade.

I want to share information of the nervous system with you.